Imagine a world where reading difficulties and dyslexia are a thing of the past and people can engage at their highest potential with less effort. I will explore how this is now possible thanks to current advances in brain research and learning development during my free talk this upcoming Saturday, April 22nd at 1:30 pm at the Royal BC Museum, 675 Belleville Street, in Victoria.

In addition to this presentation, I’m proud to be exhibiting from 10 am to 5 pm at the 6th Annual Creatively United for the Planet Earth Day Sustainability Showcase. Admission is free to this popular community event.

Given reading and language skills are the backbone of communication, individuals now have the opportunity to not only contribute to their community with more joy and ease, but live more sustainable, fulfilling lives with less effort by overcoming barriers, like dyslexia.

Does your child have reading problems?

Take the first step to helping your child.

Download our 10 minute self assessment to find out if your child shows any of the tell-tale signs of a reading problem.

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