What do you know about dyslexia?

There are fun facts like “Pablo Picasso and Leonardo da Vinci were dyslexic.”

And then there is information that can directly impact your classroom. What do you need to know to help your students unleash their full potential, both in and out of school?

Watch our upcoming webinar, “Read Their Minds: An Update on Dyslexia Research and Brain-Based Remediation” to get caught up on the latest dyslexia research. Learn useful facts that will help all learners with dyslexia make soaring gains!

Read Their Minds: An Update on Dyslexia Research and Brain-Based Remediation

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Presenter: Dr. Martha Burns
Date: Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Time: 12:00 PM Pacific Time/ 2:00 PM Central Time/ 3:00 PM Eastern Time
Duration: 60 Minutes

Can’t attend? Register anyway and we’ll email you a link to the recorded webinar after the live session date. Certificates of Attendance are also available.

October is Dyslexia Awareness Month! Join us to discover the latest research on cognitive, genetic and processing differences associated with dyslexia. Learn about new research on early identification. Most importantly, join this webinar to learn about brain-based proven interventions that enable learners with dyslexia to reach their highest potential.

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