Leadership Round Table Exploring Neuroscience

Thanks to island and Mainland literacy leaders who recently attended a Leadership Round Table, exploring the emerging neuroscience related to language and literacy development and it's implications for struggling learners, especially in the area of literacy. Hosted by...

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Implicit vs. Explicit Instruction: Which is Better for Word Learning?

Implicit vs. Explicit Instruction: Which is Better for Word Learning?

There is considerable evidence both for and against self-directed and exploratory learning, so there is a great opportunity for neuroscience to examine the ground-level differences between these and more traditional methods of instruction and how the brain reacts to each. One of those differences is the subject of current investigation: the divide between explicit and implicit instruction.

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Car Free Day YYJ 2017

Car Free Day YYJ 2017

Thanks to everyone who came out this past Father’s Day to Car Free Day YYJ and to Andrew Duffy for the coverage of This Is Leadership and End Dyslexia! Read the article in this week’s paper.

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Planting the Way to a Sustainable Future

Planting the Way to a Sustainable Future

Click here to watch the video. Thanks to the more than 30 volunteers who recently helped my husband Peter and I plant hundreds of trees to tackle climate change at our newly acquired 69-acre Empress Acres farm in Nanaimo. The specially selected Empress Splendor trees,...

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Community Champion Award

It was wonderful to have the opportunity to attend the annual Visionary Conference held recently in San Diego, California and be recognized by Scientific Learning as a Community Champion for my efforts to make a difference...

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Interactive Discussion

Interactive Discussion

Thank you to everyone who came out this past Saturday to the free public talk I gave about how it is now possible to end dyslexia at the Juan de Fuca Public Library. More than 20 people attended and the level of interactive discussion was fabulous. I look forward to...

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CFAX 1070 Interview with Mark Brenae

Thanks to Mark Brennae of CFAX 1070 for the opportunity to talk about dyslexia and how using current neuroscience and technology we can help people succeed and be the best they can be! Skip to 39:25 to hear the interview. [soundcloud...

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Marlene Lewis speaks on ending dyslexia

A brief chat with speech-language pathologist Marlene Lewis about how we can end dyslexia now. Thanks to neuroscience pioneers Dr. Paula Tallal, Dr. Michael Merzenich, Dr. Bill Jenkins and Dr. Steve Miller for their revolutionary work in...

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CFAX 1070 Radio Interview

I had the pleasure of talking with Adam Stirling from CFAX 1070 Radio about dyslexia and my upcoming free public talk this Thursday, July 21st from 4 - 5 pm at the Esquimalt Rec Centre in the Kanaka room. Please start at 35:03 to hear the interview

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This article was originally written and published on the Scientific Learning Website.

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E-mail: info@end-dyslexia.com
Telephone: (250) 889-1343

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College of Speech and Hearing Health Professionals of British Columbia
900 – 200 Granville Street
Vancouver, BC V6C 1S4
Phone: 604.742.6380
Toll-free: 1.888.742.6380
Email: enquiries@cshbc.ca

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