This past week, I was honoured to be the first speaker in a series of free seminars hosted by the Island Counselling Society, led by Ian Gartshorne in Nanaimo, BC.

The evening was very conversational and included parents and grandparents of children with dyslexia, and individuals eager to have their questions answered about how to end dyslexia.

Like many people, they were delighted to learn that research-based programs now exist that address the root cause behind dyslexia making it possible to quickly end dyslexia with lasting results using modern technology in the form of fun computer games.

Scientific Learning, a world leader in neuroscience-based programs, will be hosting a free one-hour webinar on Monday, October 17 from noon to 1 pm.
Learn more about the latest research on how we can end dyslexia and have your questions answered. Please click here to register.

To learn more about free upcoming seminars offered by Island Counselling Society click here. The next workshop is this Thursday and features Mary Moore, an accomplished teacher and guidance counsellor in School District 69, talking about Improving Life Satisfaction.

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