Maximize Your Extended Health Care Benefits

Maximize Your Extended Health Care Benefits

Did you know you can elevate learning performance through improved auditory processing skills? Meaning your listening, memory, focus and ease of understanding can now be improved conversationally and in reading and writing.Before the year ends, be sure to maximize...
October is Dyslexia Awareness Month!

October is Dyslexia Awareness Month!

Happy Autumn! Did you know October is Dyslexia Awareness Month? Learn about the latest research on the processing weaknesses and early indicators in dyslexia and, most importantly, use this information to help people you care about by visiting my website to access...
Open Air Library in Sidney

Open Air Library in Sidney

Check out Booksmack as part of the Open Air Library in Sidney, BC on Tuesday, August 15th, 10 am – noon*, at Beacon Park, Sidney BC, next to the outdoor amphitheatre.(*weather dependent)A variety of local community folks will be on stage sharing their favorite books,...

Does your child have reading problems?

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