Marlene Lewis speaks on ending dyslexia

A brief chat with speech-language pathologist Marlene Lewis about how we can end dyslexia now. Thanks to neuroscience pioneers Dr. Paula Tallal, Dr. Michael Merzenich, Dr. Bill Jenkins and Dr. Steve Miller for their revolutionary work in the field of brain research to...

CFAX 1070 Radio Interview

I had the pleasure of talking with Adam Stirling from CFAX 1070 Radio about dyslexia and my upcoming free public talk this Thursday, July 21st from 4 – 5 pm at the Esquimalt Rec Centre in the Kanaka room. Please start at 35:03 to hear the...

Neuroscientist Leads The Way

World-renowned neuroscientist Mike Merzenich, a leading brain expert, was awarded with the 2016 Kavli Prize in recognition for his work in discovering adult brain plasticity and applying its principles to improve the human condition. His research forms the basis for...

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