Risks of Not Identifying Dyslexia

By Joanne Gouaux of SciLearn Think about your favorite stories. From personal tales, to books and movies, the common catalyst of action and emotion comes from opposing forces. Storytellers and writers call these opposing forces antagonists. Opposing forces can take...
Dyslexia Webinar – Watch Here

Dyslexia Webinar – Watch Here

Click here to watch the webinar. The slides from the presentation are also available here. Scientific Learning, the creators of Fast ForWord and Reading Assistant, presented this free webinar with Dr. Martha Burns that covers the latest research on the processing...
Free Fast ForWord Demo

Free Fast ForWord Demo

Want to try Fast ForWord to see how it works? Check out this free demo from Scientific Learning! Try the demo here. From Scientific Learning: In our personalized demos, we customize our presentation to meet your needs. Do you have questions about a particular child or...

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