CFAX 1070 Interview with Mark Brenae

Thanks to Mark Brennae of CFAX 1070 for the opportunity to talk about dyslexia and how using current neuroscience and technology we can help people succeed and be the best they can be! Skip to 39:25 to hear the interview. [soundcloud...

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Brain HQ

Brain HQ

I'm honoured to be assisting Marlene Lewis on her mission to End Dyslexia. I have learned a tremendous amount from Marlene, including some of the programs she uses to achieve amazing, lasting results. These programs have been developed by leading neuroscientists and...

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Sept. 21: Upcoming CFAX Radio Interview

Tune in to CFAX 1070 during the Mark Brennae show on Wednesday, September 21st from 5:30 - 6 pm where I will be speaking about brain plasticity and how parents can end dyslexia in their children.

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Recommended Reading

Recommended Reading

These are two of the most interesting and easiest books to read I have found on the subject of how we can reprogram our brains with ease and enjoy lasting results that include ending dyslexia, delaying dementia and much more.

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Marlene Lewis speaks on ending dyslexia

A brief chat with speech-language pathologist Marlene Lewis about how we can end dyslexia now. Thanks to neuroscience pioneers Dr. Paula Tallal, Dr. Michael Merzenich, Dr. Bill Jenkins and Dr. Steve Miller for their revolutionary work in...

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[August 11] Come and learn about ending dyslexia

[August 11] Come and learn about ending dyslexia

I'm looking forward to sharing information and answering questions about how we can end dyslexia! Please join me on Thursday, August 11th at the Greater Victoria Public Library (Downtown Central Library), 735 Broughton Street, in the Community Room, from 5:30 - 6:30...

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CFAX 1070 Radio Interview

I had the pleasure of talking with Adam Stirling from CFAX 1070 Radio about dyslexia and my upcoming free public talk this Thursday, July 21st from 4 - 5 pm at the Esquimalt Rec Centre in the Kanaka room. Please start at 35:03 to hear the interview

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This article was originally written and published on the Scientific Learning Website.

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