Open Air Library in Sidney

Open Air Library in Sidney

Check out Booksmack as part of the Open Air Library in Sidney, BC on Tuesday, August 15th, 10 am – noon, at Beacon Park, Sidney BC, next to the outdoor amphitheatre.

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Road Work Ahead

Road Work Ahead

This mother’s blog about her autistic son’s communication advances lend an understanding to the complexities of the literacy pyramid and what’s possible.

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Undoing Dyslexia via Video Games

Undoing Dyslexia via Video Games

Psychologists and neuroscientists are using new techniques to identify the source of language and reading problems such as dyslexia in the brain and create innovative new therapies to significantly improve children’s language learning and reading.

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5 Tips for Parents of Struggling Readers

5 Tips for Parents of Struggling Readers

Every year, parents and educators work hard to help their children and students learn as much as possible, squeezing in all the high-value knowledge they can. But come the end of the school year, a solid percentage of that learning — anywhere from 6 to 12 weeks — is lost during summer vacation. This is especially true for children with learning challenges.

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Implicit vs. Explicit Instruction: Which is Better for Word Learning?

Implicit vs. Explicit Instruction: Which is Better for Word Learning?

There is considerable evidence both for and against self-directed and exploratory learning, so there is a great opportunity for neuroscience to examine the ground-level differences between these and more traditional methods of instruction and how the brain reacts to each. One of those differences is the subject of current investigation: the divide between explicit and implicit instruction.

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Why Prosody Matters: The Importance of Reading Aloud with Expression

Why Prosody Matters: The Importance of Reading Aloud with Expression

Reading aloud with expression is a foundational reading skill students should be developing between grades 1 – 5. It is pretty easy to recognize when someone skillfully reads aloud in an expressive manner. However, to effectively teach or assess this skill, a closer examination of its features, development, and relationship to other reading skills is needed.

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Study: New Study on Brain Training and Multiple Sclerosis

Up to 70% of patients living with MS report cognitive issues. A group of researchers at NYU ran a 135-person study to see if remote administration of brain training could benefit patients. They selected BrainHQ exercises because of our emphasis on speed of processing—a signature deficit in MS patients.

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This article was originally written and published on the Scientific Learning Website.

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