Does Your Child Have Difficulty Reading?
As a parent we all want our children to do well. Problems with reading, spelling and writing at a young age can lead to serious issues later on in school because most learning relies on having mastered these basic skills.
Dyslexia is one of the most common learning disabilities, affecting as many as 5-10% of children. Dyslexia has nothing to do with how smart a person is. In fact, most people diagnosed with reading and learning disabilities have average to superior intelligence.
Help them Succeed with our Fun, Effective Reading Programs
Access Speech Language helps children with dyslexia become proficient readers. Over 20 years of experience has shown us that every child with dyslexia can enjoy reading and do well at school.
Our programs are scientifically proven to bring slow readers up to speed and to improve a child’s ability to learn. We can help your child overcome dyslexia for good and gain reading abilities on a par with his or her peers.
“I wanted to let you know about what we’ve seen since Lauren began Fast Forward – she has actually WANTED to read with us. We’ve never pushed her, and suddenly she is beginning to want to read!!!!! I want to cry for the joy!!!!
“Our 18-year-old son was able to follow a family tree last night for the first time ever!”
Dyslexia and the Critical Years
Ages 6 to 9 are critical years for reading and language development. If your child falls behind during this window they may never catch up. Once they reach grade 4, most of their time at school will hinge on their ability to read and learn.
While children do learn at different rates it is important not to ignore the signs that your child may be struggling with dyslexia. Take action now so that they don’t fall behind.
Signs your child may need help are:
• Doesn’t enjoy reading
• Struggles with homework
• Has trouble spelling
• Misunderstands what you say
• Doesn’t pay attention, forgets instructions and is easily distracted
• Finds it hard to focus or concentrate
• Gives slow or delayed responses
• Mispronounces or muddles up typical word sounds
• Gets confused in noisy situations
• Has a diagnosis of dyslexia
• Has a history of ear infections
• Has a history of family difficulty with reading or ‘late talkers’
• Has behavioural issues at school
• Seems to be very bright but struggles academically

“My daughter was diagnosed with a serious learning challenge in grade one. Although she had been hiding her struggles, she had started to believe she was ‘stupid’ and not as capable as the other children. We were able to put a program in place that changed her life. Although the computer program we needed was expensive, I can honestly say that I have never spent any money on anything better.
Our daughter went from having challenges with reading to being years ahead of her grade level and in love with reading.”
Scientifically Proven to Improve Reading
Our programs are scientifically proven to radically improve reading and learning and in most cases will bring your child’s reading ability up to par for their grade within a year. Reading, talking and listening use multiple brain areas. If the connections between these areas are slow or muddled then reading and learning are very difficult.
Our programs retrain the brain and make reading and learning easy and fun. Our powerful video-game programs re-wire the brain so that children develop the cognitive skills that are essential for language, reading and learning:
• Improved memory
• Improved attention
• Faster information processing
• Improved sequencing and organization
The programs are easy to use, enjoyable and create rapid results by creating new pathways in the brain. By developing these core cognitive skills your child will not only vastly improve their reading and language skills, they will improve their learning across the board.

I am committed to children succeeding in school, enjoying learning and fulfilling their dreams. In this last stage of my working life, I want to be sure that we end dyslexia in British Columbia because we now can and it matters to the kids that we do so.
Dyslexia Research Update 2020
New 2020 research corroborates the strong inheritability of dyslexia. A lab experiment was conducted with 19-month-old infants, half of whom were genetically at-risk for dyslexia and the other half genetically not at-risk. The results of a speech-based word-learning task led the researchers to conclude that the at-risk infants had a harder time with novel word-learning. The takeaway? Genetics do indeed play a role in dyslexia.
How to Foster Executive Function in Every Grade
There’s a lot at stake when it comes to executive function skills. Executive function determines a student’s academic achievement throughout their time in school, and it even affects success in the workplace and life more generally.
Watch: Read Their Minds – An Update on Dyslexia and Brain Based Remediation
Click here to watch the free webinar This webinar is part of the Brain-Based Learning Webinar Series by Scientific Learning®, whose Fast ForWord® products are an evidence-based reading and language solution for any struggling reader. See more webinars here.
Will this work for your child?
If you have a hunch that your child has dyslexia the sooner you take action the easier it is to correct. Book a free assessment with us to find out the facts about your child’s reading and learning abilities and whether corrective action is recommended.
Marlene Lewis is a registered Speech Language Pathologist with over 30 years experience working with children. She will be able to assess whether your child has a language or reading challenge and pinpoint exactly which programs will be best for them.

Access Speech-Language Services
Licensed in British Columbia
Telephone: (250) 889-1343
Any unresolved concerns about a registrant’s practice may be reported to:
College of Speech and Hearing Health Professionals of British Columbia
900 – 200 Granville Street
Vancouver, BC V6C 1S4
Phone: 604.742.6380
Toll-free: 1.888.742.6380